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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RunnerGirl meets RunnerGuy!

I haven't had time to blog since Monday, but there have been recent developments that I need to share.  Lol.  I had a date with RunnerGuy.  We met online and have been corresponding for over a month.  We just hadn't been able to work it out to meet up, until now.  He is a tech guy for the USPS and works midnights.  He also has shared custody of his twin 8 yr old daughters.  So it has been hard to find time to meet, but it has given us a chance to get to know each other, which has been nice.  Because, as most of my close friends know, I tend to get too thick too quick.  I guess since I don't get involved very often, when I do finally choose to go down that road, I want it to happen immediately.  But I have done that enough times that I now know it is a recipe for disaster.  Just because something burns red hot in the beginning doesn't mean there is anything to build a lasting relationship on. 
So we met at the park on Monday and took my pup Joey for a walk.  We walked for almost 2 hours, poor Joey was pooped...hahaha.  I was ready to go home and shower, but he asked if I wanted to go have dinner.  Absolutely!  I tried to contain my excitement, but it was just so nice to be with a normal (and tall - he's 6'1"....finally, someone taller than me!) guy.  We both went home to freshen up and he picked me up and to dinner we went.  The conversation was great, he was a little nervous, which was endearing.  The check came and I offered to pay, but he insisted on taking care of it.  Score!  Guys should know that trick by now.  On a first date the female should always offer to pay, but the man should NEVER let her.  ;-)   I don't really buy into traditional gender roles, but there are a few things that should be done a certain way....and that's one of them.  Now, I'm not saying the guy has to pay all the time.  But on a first date......come on!  My ex let me pay for dinner on our first date.  I justified it in my head because he paid for the movie that we went to first.  That was an Epic Fail on his part.  And yet I still fell in love with him, go figure.  Lol.  Anyway, RunnerGuy and I had a lovely dinner then went back to my apartment and talked and watched a movie.  He hugged me when he left, walked out the door, then came back and hugged me again.  Hahaha.  It was so cute.  I know he wanted to kiss me, but he was nervous.  I guess I should have just grabbed the back of his head and laid a good one on him.  But I was really trying to be a good girl.  He won't be so lucky next time, he's not getting away without a smooch.  :-)  He texted me yesterday to tell me what a good time he had on Monday.  And then called today and asked to see me before I leave to go out of town on Friday.  I def want to see him again before I leave.  I love the beginning, it's so pure and innocent and exciting.  And I'm just going to enjoy it.  I don't care where this might go, I just want to have fun and get to know someone new.  If something comes from it, great.  If not, then that's okay too.  But until then, this is one happy girl hanging with a cool guy. 

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